Tina Boo Workshop
March 8th, 6 pm-7:30 pm
Yeji Kim Workshop
March 9th, 5 pm-6:30 pm
Woonha Workshop
March 10th, 4 pm-5:30 pm
March 19th, 7 pm_8:30 pm
Workshop - Hiphop Master Class
Feb 23rd, 6 pm -7:30 pm
Workshop - Hiphop Master Class
Feb 24, 5 pm -6:30 pm
Workshop - Hiphop Master Class
Feb 25th, 4 pm -5:30 pm
Sign up
请使用 “微信扫一扫” 扫描下方二维码联系微信小助理报名大师课
All of the master classes are open-level, beginners are welcome to join.
scan the QR Code below and ask for the price package for more savings.
Final sale,non-refundable,non-changeable
Students would occupy spots in the classroom in the order of arrival.
To sign up for the class, please scan the QR Code below to chat with our staff.